Worship, for the Orthodox Christian Church, is nothing else than 'heaven on earth.' The Divine Liturgy is something that embraces two worlds at once; both in heaven and on earth the Liturgy is one and the same - one altar, one sacrifice, one presence.
Here you will find ancient creeds and liturgical prayers, and historic hymns that create a tapestry of faith that reminds all of us that we are not alone, but part of the Ancient Church that has endured through persecution and upheaval.
There are two dimensions to Orthodox Christian Worship which are reflected throughout the many Services of the Church. First, Worship is a manifestation of God's presence and action in the midst of His people. It is God who gathers His scattered people together, and it is He who reveals Himself as we enter into His presence. The Worship of the Orthodox Church very vividly expresses the truth that God dwells among His people and that we are created to share in His life.
Second, Worship is our corporate response of thanksgiving to the presence of God and a remembrance of His saving actions - especially the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Orthodox Worship is centered upon God. He has acted in history, and He continues to act through the Holy Spirit. We are mindful of His actions and we respond to His love with praise and thanksgiving. In so doing we come closer to God.
In every place of worship, however humble its outward appearance, as the faithful gather to celebrate the Divine Liturgy, they are taken up into the 'heavenly places;' in every place of worship where the Holy Eucharist is offered, not merely the local congregation are present, but the Church universal - the saints, the angels, the Mother of God, and Christ himself.